Monday, December 13, 2010

Chiang Mai, Phuket & Bangkok, Thailand

I divided our 2 week trip into three albums based on the city. We spent about equal parts in each area, but didn't take as many in Phuket since you can only take so many of the same beach shots. You get the idea, it was insanely gorgeous that a place like that exists on this planet and you can get there in 24 hours. It was a grueling 24-36 hours on the way back, but certainly worth it. I can say that now that I'm home. And I really don't mind airports, Bangkok's airport had amazing people watching and Toyko's airport was eerily quiet...Not like Chicago where you have people sprawled out everywhere eating McDonald's, sleeping on the floor and yelling at their kids. I traveled in full on comfort mode: track pants (they were lululemon, so at least I had some class) and cotton t-shirts. Of course on the way back from Japan everyone on the plane was a businessman dressed in a full suit. Not this lady. If I'm traveling in cattle class, I will dress like it!

Phi Phi Islands and Chiang Mai were my two favorite places to visit. Off the beaches, Phuket was just another sprawling beach destination busting at its seams. Bangkok was crazy chaotic and although amazing to visit, gave me a headache with all of the smog after a couple days. I would love to go back and visit Thailand, but would not spend it in Bangkok. I get the jist; it's the true definition of a hot mess. It makes a city like Chicago seem very organized and tame. I can't describe the driving on Phuket or in Bangkok. You literally can do whatever you want. A bus was stopped in the middle of the street letting people off, our car had to dodge it. Whole families were on motorbikes without helmets. Cars were driving on the wrong side of the road, swerving or just generally driving at dangerous speeds. We spent half the time gritting our teeth and the other half laughing in amazement.

The first 2 pictures are from elephant trekking near Chiang Mai. The last is from Wat Doi Suthep, a temple on top of a mountain outside Chiang Mai.

Mae Ping Elephant Camp

One year old elephant at Mae Ping Elephant Camp.

At Wat Doi Suthep with little girls dressed in traditional hill tribe costumes.

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